“SPRING” Loaded Butterflies
A Nancyfangles Whimsical Creation Re-design As a Mixed- Media Artist and Designer I find myself surrounded by inspiration almost everywhere I look. Most of the time that is… And other times, I cannot find a muse no matter how hard I look. That’s when I turn to Pinterest. I may have an idea or a theme in mind, but just need a little kick start of inspiration to get me moving. Such was the case today… I knew I wanted to do something for spring, but what I ended up creating was spring x2. A “Spring”- loaded Butterfly. The original design idea was by Rhubarb and Wren, who’s basic instructions were pretty plain, but also pretty awesome! It was just the spark I needed to ignite my imagination… I hope that I do the same for you. Inspiring you to be Artistic, but to also find your own Creative Magic. Here’s what you’ll need: A Sheet of 12×12 heavy card stock (one sheet makes 4 butterflies) * If you want to paint your design, or color with crayons, markers or colored pencils, use white. Decorative napkins or an additional sheet of decorative scrap book paper, as desired. A spring loaded clothespin (I used wooden and colorful plastic). A small piece of thin jewelry wire. A small bead. white paper glue, Mod Podge, and or glue dots or dashes. E6000 What to do: These instructions are for a scrap book paper butterfly, as I found them to be the easiest to create. Go here to find the butterfly template, or simply create your own… https://tinyurl.com/7e9vjksd Trace your butterfly template onto your thick card stock and cut out. Cut out two (approx.) ½ inch by 2 ½ inch rectangle strips out of your heavy card stock. Lay your card stock butterfly on your decorative scrap book paper (design up) and trace Lay your card stock butterfly on your decorative scrap book paper (design down) and trace Cut both out – do not mix up... Glue the design up copy to the top of your card stock butterfly and the design down copy to the bottom Using glue dots or dashes, adhere the body to the top of the clothespin, head side towards the opening. (I tried glue, but the glue dashes worked much better) Cover your two rectangle strips in the same decorative paper on one side as desired. Fold your wings up (away from the clothespin) where they meet the body. Using glue dots /dashes, glue one of the ends of the strip to the bottom of the clothespin and the other end to the folded wing. repeat on the other side. Bend the small piece of wire in half and curl the ends to form the antennae, glue to top of clip with e6000, allow to dry and glue a bead to the top. Squeeze your clothespin to make your butterfly, fly… Enjoy!
Transforming Time-worn Treasures into Whimsical Works of Art - Mixed-Media Artist Nancyfangles Brown sees the world through inspired eyes. Archives
January 2025
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